

This guidance document is designed to help CSM-STAND partners implement and further enhance their commitment to participation and co-creation. It reviews the principles upon which programmatic design should be based to foster shared ownership and commitment over program interventions. It also provides practical recommendations and standards for ensuring constructive and collaborative design with diverse partners. This includes, for example, providing guidelines for integrating participatory design in short windows of time, as well as outlining considerations for mitigating power differentials during co-creation. Among other priorities, the guidance is aimed at ensuring gender and inclusion sensitivity into participatory design and co-creation processes. 

While providing guidance to CSM-STAND, this document is designed to serve as a resource for other implementers engaged in designing civil society and media programs. Furthermore, it will provide USAID and other donors with guidance regarding the enabling conditions for effective participation and co-creation in program design. Importantly, this document is based on the lessons of CSM-STAND partners and will be subject to continued revision and refinement as the programs generate additional experience and evidence.

CSM-STAND updated the guidance on Participatory Design and Co-Creation based on the consortium's experience applying co-creation and related design processes across 7 associate awards. The revisions also include four case studies highlighting lessons, challenges, and promising practices related to co-creation in different contexts.

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