Transform TFGBV Referral Pathway Toolkit



Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence (TFGBV) is a growing, harmful global phenomenon. However, many service providers who connect survivors of gender-based violence (GBV) to resources and support are less aware of TFGBV, and do not know how to integrate referrals for TFGBV services into referral pathways. This four-part Toolkit offers guidance to GBV service-providing organizations and practitioners for including TFGBV referrals into their available support for survivors, with additional tips for helping women in public and political life affected by TFGBV to access the referrals they need. The Toolkit is comprised of the guidance document (“the Toolkit”) which provides information on how to integrate TFGBV resources into referral directories and pathways; Additional Resources for making TFGBV Referrals including scripts, forms, and checklists; Guidance for making survivor-centered, trauma-informed, and rights-based referrals; and illustrative profiles about how TFGBV affects women in different parts of public and political life.

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