A collection of digital resources to help women experiencing technology-facilitated gender-based violence.
This catalogue offers a selection of tools and resources to help women address online or digital violence directed at them because of their gender identity, referred to as technology facilitated gender based violence. The tools in the catalogue provide self-identified women with information and recommended actions to prevent, respond to, and recover from forms of technology facilitated gender based violence. While the tools are applicable for women generally, the catalogue focuses on offering useful tools to women who participate in public and political life, such as politicians, journalists, activists, human rights defenders, or influencers.

What is the purpose of this digital catalogue?
To improve women’s access to tools and resources that provide support when coping with, addressing, and building resilience to technology facilitated gender based violence.
What is available in the catalogue?
The catalogue provides a select set of tools organized into categories of Prevention, Response, and Recovery. The tools were selected based on the types of information or resources they offer, the responsiveness of the tools to the forms of technology facilitated gender based violence women encounter, and the quality and utility of the tools. The tools and resources range from non-judgmental to survivor-centered approaches for how they address aspects of experiences that women in public and political life describe regarding technology facilitated gender based violence. The majority of the tools included in this catalogue are free of cost, while some require registration or log in credentials to access.
How do I use the catalogue?
Under each category, the resources or tools are listed on cards that flip front to back when hovered over (on a computer) or tapped (on a mobile device). The front of the cards provide a short descriptions of the tool or resource and the languages in which it is available. Additional details are provided on the back of the cards with information about accessing the tool or resource, such as if additional clicks or downloads are required after clicking on the GO TO SITE button beneath each card.

Will there be more tools added to the catalogue?
The majority of the tools and resources currently in the catalogue were originally designed in English, although many are offered in additional languages. Many of the resources are currently in the Prevention category, with fewer resources available under Response and Recovery. Additional tools will be added to the catalogue over the coming months that reflect a greater diversity of languages, that respond to Response and Recovery needs, that address how technology facilitated gender based violence operates in different social contexts, and that are specifically tailored for different groups of women in public and political life.
Is there a way to leave this site immediately?
Click on the “Leave Now” button, and the page will redirect to an internet search page.

Digital Tool Catalogue
This Digital Catalogue provides resources for informational purposes only. While these resources have been reviewed and selected for this digital catalogue, the Transform project does not endorse or promote any of the resources provided in this catalogue. These are resources that have been collected for survivors of TFGBV and others to access based on their own needs and interests. However, it is up to individual survivors and other users to determine if they wish to utilize the resources included in the catalogue.
Content Filtering and Information Removal
A browser add-on to redact and document abusive images or content on Twitter.
Global Users.
Website, Browser Add On
Uli is a browser add-on that helps users manage abusive content.
Additionally, the website provides more resources for users to understand, report, archive, and mitigate
online abuse.
Download and Installation Required, Free
Go to
TR Filter
A web application for flagging, documenting, and managing online harassment.
Global Users; designed for journalists and media practitioners.
Website, Web Application
TR Filter is for journalists and media practitioners who use Twitter.
The filter detects harmful text comments and assists with documenting abusive content, including by
generating reports. Registration Required, Free
Go to
A Chrome browser extension to customize the level of toxic content seen in comments.
Global Users.
Chrome Webstore, Chrome Browser Extension
Tune works on the Chrome browser to let users determine how much toxic content they see on YouTube,
Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, and Disqus.Open Source, Download and Installation Required,
Go to Website
A paid, subscription-based service to remove personal data online.
Global Users; based on U.S. data broker practices.
Website and Paid Service,
Online personal information removal
Delete.Me is a paid subscription for users to submit their personal information to be found and removed
from data broker websites.
Registration Required, Paid service, Must provide personal, identifying information
through an online form
Go to
A paid, subscription-based service to find and delete personal data from websites.
Global Users; based on U.S. data broker practices.
Paid service, Information
Karary is a paid service where users create a profile with information to be used in scanning the
internet and removing information.
The service manages the process of requesting information removal from sites. Reading
and scrolling on site required, Registration Required, Registration Required
Go to
A paid, subscription-based service to find and delete personal data from websites.
Global Users; Based on U.S. data broker practices
Paid service, Information
OneRep is a paid service where users create a profile with information to be removed from the
The site provides opt-opt guidance for data brokerage sites and paid options to include family members.
Reading and scrolling on site required, Registration Required, Paid service
Go to
Protection from Doxing
A resource for removing personal information from internet sites.
Global Users.
Resource and information
The Protection for Doxing guidance provides users with a number of different options for finding their
own personal information published online and taking steps to remove it.
Reading and scrolling on site required, Free
Go to Website
Google Alerts
A tool that provides users with updates when their personal information is a result of a Google
Global Users.
Online Tool
The Google Alert tool allows users to receive notifications when their full name, phone number, home
address, and other private data is the result of a Google Search.
Must click a link to reach the Google Alerts page. FreeGo to
Remove Personal Information from Google Search
A Google service to request the removal of personally identifiable information from Google Search
Global Users.
Online Tool
The Remove Personally Identifiable Info tool allows users to request the removal of personal information
from Google Search results.
The resource includes frequently asked questions about the service and how Google reviews and takes
action on requests.Must click a link to reach the Google Alerts page. Free
Go to Website
Privacy Badger
A browser extension that blocks tracking by third parties.Web browser extension,
Online tool, For Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Opera
Privacy Badger offers users a way to block third party tracking on websites that collect
information.Free, Download required
Go to
Information & Awareness Raising
Breaking Down Gender Violence Online
Resources in Spanish for responding to online abuse.
Global Users.
Resources and Information,Website
Breaking Down Gender Violence Online includes resources for awareness raising, skills building to
increase digital security, and responding to online abuse.
It also includes guidance for increasing the security of devices. Reading and
scrolling on site required to access resources. Registration required. Free
Go to
Orbits: A Global Field Guide
A guide with intersectional, survivor-centered, and trauma-informed TFGBV interventions.
Global Users.
Toolkit for TFGBV interventions,Website/PDF
The Orbits Global Field Guide includes information on online abuse and suggestions for designing better
technology systems.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Resources are survivor-centered. Download may
be required. Free
Go to Website
On The Line: Monitoring Online Harassment of Journalists
A compilation of resources for journalists who are experiencing violence.
Global Users.
Resources and information,Website
On The Line: Monitoring Online Harassment of Journalists provides resources for awareness raising about
violence against women journalists, tools for newsrooms, and patterns of online harassment.
Reading and scrolling on site required, FreeGo to Website
Digital Security Strengthening
A Digital Resilience Toolkit for Women in Politics
A document with links to resources for responding to online abuse.
Global Users; designed for women in politics.
Resources and Information, PDF Document
A Digital Resilience Toolkit for Women in Politics is a PDF document that includes information on
reporting and responding to online abuse.Download may be required. Free
Go to Website
Dealing with Digital Threats to Democracy: A toolkit to help women
A toolkit to help women in public life be safer online.
Global Users; designed for women in public life.
Toolkit, PDF
Dealing with Digital Threats to Democracy: A toolkit to help women in public life be safer online
provides recommendations for digital privacy and security, and tips for being an online bystander.
Download may be required. Free
Go to Website
Help Desk for Digital Security
A helpdesk for journalists to improve their digital security skills.
Global Users; designed for journalists.
Website, Resources and Information
The Help Desk for Digital Security has information for increasing digital security and developing a
threat model.
Digital security guides are also available on the site. Reading and scrolling on site
required. Free
Go to
Advanced DIY Privacy for Every Woman
A helpdesk for journalists to improve their digital security skills.
Global Users.
Website, Resources and information
Advanced DIY Privacy for Every Woman provides survivor-informed guidance for improving safety across
devices, browsers, and apps and during activities such as browsing the web.
The guide provides specific guidance on best practices for social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter,
Google, and Foursquare.
Resources are survivor-informed. Resources are survivor-informed. Reading and
scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
The Art of Digital Security for Pakistani Women
Resources for Pakistani women when using digital tools.Designed for Pakistani
Women, Resources and information, PDF
The Art of Digital Security for Pakistani Women addresses risks for Pakistani women online.
The resource addresses the cultural contexts in which Pakistani women live, and includes information
about social media practices, cyber harassment, and digital security.
Download may be required, Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Safe Sisters
A guide for women and girls to improve their digital security.Designed for women
and girls in Sub-Saharan Africa, Resources and information, PDF
Safe Sisters: A Common Sense Guide to Digital Safety for Women and Girls in Sub-Saharan Africa provides
guidance on digital security practices.
Topics include hacking, online surveillance, and protecting personal information on shared devices.
Download may be required. Free
Go to Website
Digital Safe-Tea
An online game for learning about digital safety issues.Designed for young women
across Africa, Interactive website, Resources and information.
Digital Safe-Tea is an online game that provides information about digital safety issues and provides
resources for addressing those issues.
A certificate of completion can be downloaded at the end of the course.
Download of certification may be required, Reading and scrolling on site required,
Go to
Women and Data online safety comic strip
An online comic strip on data protections and privacy for women in politics.Designed for Kenyan women, Website, Resources and information
Women and Data online safety comic strip provides women in Kenya involved in politics information about
online harassment, non-consensual and faked images, and other forms of TFGBV as well as resources to
become more
resilient to it.
There are links to additional resources and information at the end of the comic.
Go to Website
A set of resources for improving digital security and privacy.Designed for Spanish
speakers, Website, Resources and information
Protégé.LA provides resources for understanding digital attacks, guides and tools to improve digital
safety, and creating digital security plans.
The website includes a list of tools for applying safe practices, such as two factor authentication.
Download may be required, Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to
Guia Metodologica Sobre Violencia de Genero Digital
A guide for migrants and refugees for security and digital care.Designed for
Spanish speaking migrant and refugees, Resources and information, PDF
The Guia Metodologica Sobre Violencia de Genero Digital provides migrants and refugees with
recommendations for promoting digital protection including increased digital safety.
It includes guidance on secure passwords, reducing personal data on the internet, using secure instant
messaging apps, and more.Download may be required, Free
Go to Website
A digital safety tool for journalists and social communicators.Designed for
journalists and social communicators, Website, Resources and information
The MicroSD website offers opportunities for users to build skills in protecting personal information
online, accounts and profiles, devices, and communication over the internet.
Reading and scrolling on site required to access resources. Free
Go to Website
Rory Peck Trust Digital Security Guide
A guide with information on improving digital security.
Global Users; Designed for freelance journalists.
Website, Resources and Information
The Rory Peck Trust Digital Security Guide includes resources for improving digital security, including
protecting personal data and data about journalistic sources.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Digital Safety: Using online platforms safely as a journalist
Recommended action steps to increase digital security.
Global Users; designed for journalists.
Website, Resources and Information
The Digital Safety: Using online platforms safely as a journalist resource provides recommended actions
for improved digital security.
It is applicable to social media platforms, wikis, WordPress, and Substack.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Online Harassment Field Manual
A manual for women, BIPOC, and LGBTQIA+ for navigating online abuse.Designed for
journalists, artists, activists. Website, Resources and Information
The Online Harassment Field Manual provides writers, journalists, artists, and activities with tools for
tightening digital safety.
Included are guidelines for developing policies and coping strategies. Reading and
scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Online Abuse: A Self-Defense Guide
A guide with tips for journalists to address online abuse.
Global Users; designed for journalists.
Website, Resources and Information
Online Abuse: A Self Defense Guide provides resources to lessen the impact of online abuse.
Users can access tips about evaluating the severity of threats, understanding the workings of abusive
environments, and addressing extreme situations.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Protection Guide for Newsrooms & Journalists Against Online Violence
Best practices to address online violence for journalists and reporters.
Global Users; designed for journalists.
Website, Resources, Information, Assistance
A Guide to Protecting Newsrooms and Journalists Against Online Violence provides policies and methods to
address online violence.
The guide’s contents include case studies, templates, and resources.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Anti-Doxing Guide for Activists
Proactive security measures and best practices against doxing.
Global Users.
Resources, Information, PDF
The Anti-Doxing Guide for Activists provides resources to protect against and respond to doxing.
The guide includes how to detect if doxing has occurred, tips for creating an incident log, suggestions
for how to request support for checking emails, social media, and other accounts for doxing, creating a
threat model, and more.
Download may be required. Free
Go to Website
Digital Safe House and Collaborative Platform for Women Journalists in the Philippines
An online platform to help women journalists access safety programs and resources.
Designed for Filipina Journalists.
Website, Resources, Information, Reporting
The Digital Safe House provides resources to reporters who experience threats, online or in person
attacks, and harassment.
Resources include opportunities to report, and URLs that link to services in the Philippines.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Digital Safety Snacks
Short videos on digital safety techniques.
Global users, Journalists.
Website, Online videos
Digital Safety Snacks are short videos with detailed instructions for defending against online abuse.
The videos provide information such as protecting accounts from hackers and safeguarding sensitive and
personal information.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Resources for Newsrooms
Action-oriented responses for newsrooms to use when different forms of online violence occur.
Global users, Newsrooms.
Resources for Newsrooms includes actions that newsrooms can take when someone has been doxed, needs
their online data secured, requires psychosocial support, or requires support responding to an online
The resource also provides newsroom protocols and links to training.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Digital Security 101
A guide for Filipino journalists to improve digital security practices.
Filipino journalists
Digital Security 101 is a guide for Filipino journalists to improve their digital safety techniques.
The guide provides definitions of common terminology, risk assessment questions and environmental
factors, basic device hygiene, and secure messaging advice with in-document links to resources.
Download may be required. Free
Go to Website
GCA Cybersecurity Toolkit for Journalists
A tool to empower independent journalists, watchdogs, and small newsrooms to protect sources, defend
data, and maintain reputations.
Global Users
Website, Resources and Information
The GCA Cybersecurity Toolkit for Journalists provides step by step instructions on how to access tools
and resources to identify potential security risks and to improve security practices.
The resource includes embedded links to external resources and tools, as well as training videos and
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Ongoing Education
Safety Training for Female Journalists
An instructor guide and support resources to lead a four-day safety workshop.
Global Users.
designed for journalists, Website, Safety training curriculum
The Safety Training for Female Journalists provides curriculum resources to respond to the safety
challenges affecting women journalists.
Topics include physical, digital, and psychosocial safety considerations. Reading and
scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Digital Enquirer Kit
A self study course to learn how to identify misinformation and find reliable information online.
Global Users.
Website, Safety training curriculum
The Digital Enquirer Kit is a self-paced course with 90-minute modules.
Topics cover identifying and responding to misinformation, verifying information, protecting
information, and knowing how to keep yourself and others safe.
Registration on the Platform and Enrolment in the Course Required, Reading and
scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Online training and tools for protecting security and privacy.
Global Users; designed for journalists and activists.
Training Courses, Training
The Totem platform offers online training for protecting journalists’ security and improving digital
Topics include risk analysis, documentation, device security, and online identity protection. Training
content is informed by activists, journalists, and digital security trainers.
Registration Required, Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to
Digital Hygiene Lessons
Short videos for improving digital safety and identifying risk.
Global Users; designed for journalists and activists.
Website, Resources, Information, Training
Digital Hygiene Lessons offers short videos with instructions to increase digital security and identify
specific risks, providing step by step instructions for building online resilience.
Scroll on webpage to find link under Resources.
Resources are survivor informed. Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to
Physical Security Strengthening
A safety planning tool for women in politics with guidance for personal security.
Global Users: designed for women politicians.
Website; App, Safety audit
The #think10 tool is designed for women in politics to provide a confidential way to assess their
security and make a plan to increase their safety.
The tool is calibrated for women politicians in 172 countries. Website and App require
clicking through the tool, Free
Go to Website
How to Report Safely
A self-directed course with safety guidance for the media community.
Global Users: media professionals.
How to Report Safely: Strategies for women journalists and their allies is a 4-module, self-directed
course with frameworks to mitigate and manage risks experienced by women and allies.
Topics include safety planning for journalists, situational awareness and personal safety, harassment
and gender-based violence, and mental well-being.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Online Attacks Against Journalists: Know Your Rights
Resources for journalists to seek help, report offenses, and gather evidence about online abuse.
Designed for journalists in 13 countries. PDF, Legal Tools
Online Attacks Against Journalists: Know Your Rights provides legal tools for journalists who have
experienced online harassment.
The resource includes examples of litigation initiated by journalists who have experienced online
Download may be required. Free
Go to Website
Cyber Harassment Helpline
A free helpline for victims of online harassment and violence in Pakistan.
Users in Pakistan, Website, Helpline
The Cyber Harassment Helpline provides free and confidential phone calls for victims of cyber violence.
Callers can receive legal advice, digital security support, and referrals for psychological counseling.
Go to Website
E-referral Pathway App (eRPW)
An e-referral app with updated information on GBV providers.
Designed for Zimbabwe, Bangladesh, Sierra Leone, and Turkey cross-border, App,
Referral Tool
The eReferral pathways app provides users with real-time information on GBV service providers and
feedback from users.
The app is available for devices or via the web, and the referral pathways can be downloaded in PDF or
Download may be required. Free
Go to Website
Report Online Abuse
A Google form for reporting online abuse.
Global Users
Website and Google Form, Reporting Online Abuse
Report Online Abuse is a mechanism for reporting online abuse. Users can also request assistance to be
delivered within 24 hours. Resources are survivor informed.
Users must scroll to “Report” resources and click on “Report Online Abuse”,
Go to
Documenting Online Abuse – Template
Excel sheet template for documenting online abuse.
Global Users
Website, Google sheet, Documenting Online Abuse
The Documenting Online Abuse template provides an easy to download form for documenting online abuse.
The link to the template is on the Glitch webpage under the section titled,
“Documenting Online Abuse.”. Users must scroll to “Documenting Online Abuse” and click on the “this
spreadsheet” link,
Go to
Documenting Online Abuse – Resource Guide
Resource guide to help users understand the Glitch Documenting Online Abuse Form.
Global Users
PDF, Documenting Online Abuse
The Documenting Online Abuse resource guide provides users with information and steps for documenting
online abuse.
Download may be required,
Go to
Harassment Manager
Open source code for documenting and managing abuse on social media.
Global users; Informed by journalists, activists and NGOs
Documenting/Managing Abuse
Harassment Manager is a web application that helps users identify and document harmful posts, mute, or
block harassment on Twitter.
Additionally, Perspective API can be used to detect comments that are likely to be toxic.
Reading and clicking on links required, Users must know how to use open-source code,
Go to Website
Page Vault
A paid resource to manages screen shots to document online abuse.
U.S. Users; Global Users
Website; Paid service, Documenting and reporting
Page Vault offers users a paid service to capture screen shots and other information to use as
documentation of online abuse or harassment.
Paid packages include options for access to screen capture software or support from experts.
Reading and scrolling on site required,
Paid service
Go to
A web capturing tool designed to collect and document online activity and to create an audit trail
of websites visited.
U.S. Users; Global Users
Website; Paid service, Documenting and reporting
Hunchly is a web auditing tool that captures and documents online activity, including social media
The service offers secure storage on local drives, robust search, easily searchable files, and a
streamlined process.
Reading and scrolling on site required,
Paid service
Go to
Hate Aid
A person-to-person resource to address online hate.
Users in Germany and the EU, Website and Reporting Form, Psychological and legal
support for online hate
Hate Aid provides psychosocial counseling sessions, personalized recommendations for legal or other
referral services, and assistance with documenting and reporting online hate.
Assistance is provided based on the German legal system and EU laws.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to
Access Now: Digital Security Helpline
A helpline with resources for digital safety.
Global Users; designed for civil society activists, media, and journalists.
Website, Helpline
The Digital Security Helpline provides resources to civil society activists, media organizations,
journalists, bloggers, and human rights defenders.
The Helpline offers support to assess professional risks, identify digital security needs, and resolve
existing problems.
Free, Use buttons on website to connect with help.
to Website
Journalists in Distress Network
A network of international organizations that assist journalists.
Global users; designed for journalists
Website, Network of assistance providers
The Journalists in Distress Network offers a network of organizations that share information and
coordinate efforts to assist journalists who are threatened because of their work.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Legal Hotline
A hotline to request information and assistance.
Global Users; designed for journalists and media lawyers,
Website, Report Form, Hotline
The Legal Hotline is a form journalists and media lawyers can complete to request assistance Monday
through Friday and receive information in response.
The site does not offer client confidentiality.
Go to Website
Reporters Respond
The emergency fund provides assistance and advice.
Global Users; deigned for journalists media professionals.
Website, Emergency
and Legal Support
The Reporters Respond Emergency Response Fund offers emergency assistance, legal support, psychosocial
support, safety advice and preventative safety measures.
Applicants must complete an approval process before receiving support.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
N2H Digital Security Helpline
A 24-hour hotline for journalists, activists, and associations to improve digital security.
Global users
Website, Helpline and Training
The Digital Security Helpline provides assistance with improving the security of digital tools and
devices against potential hacking threats.
Training is also offered on digital safety topics.
Use buttons on website to connect with help. Free
Go to Website
Emergency Assistance Contact Form
A helpline for human rights defenders needing emergency assistance.
Designed for human rights defenders in the East and Horn of Africa, Website, Email
request form
The Emergency Assistance form provides phone numbers and a secure email form to request emergency
The emergency response is focused on IT related incidents affecting human rights defenders.
Go to Website
YouTube Safety Guide
The guide provides strategies for addressing harassment on YouTube.
Global users
Website, Resources, Information, and How to Report Harassment
The YouTube Safety Guide provides strategies for managing and responding to harassment when using
Resources include filing a defamation report and tips for protecting privacy.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Practical Guide for Women Journalists Responding to Online Harassment
Actions for women journalists to cope with online violence.
Global Users; designed for journalists and newsrooms
Website, Resources and Information,
The Practical Guide for Women Journalists on How to Respond to Online Harassment helps users lower the
risk of digital attacks.
It includes recommendations on coping with online violence, documenting abuse, and taking remedial
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Online Image Abuse
Something Can be Done! Guide
A guide with resources for documenting and taking actions against online image abuse
Global Users; U.S. Focus
Website, PDF, Documenting and Taking Action
The Something Can be Done! Guide offers users options and action points for addressing online violence,
specifically related to consensual sharing of explicit images.
The Guide is U.S. focused, but has general advice about documenting evidence, strategies for having
images taken down, and a resource for getting help for the emotional and psychological impact of online
Reading and scrolling on site required, Free
Go to Website
CCRI Safety Center
Resources for survivors of image-based sexual abuse, including a helpline and Safety Center.
Global Users: media professionals,
Website, Online Image-Based
Violence Resources
The CCRI Safety Center offers users a number of resources to help address intimate image abuse,
including a list of international resources and a series of steps to take to address non-consensual
image sharing.
CCRI also offers a helpline phone number that users can call.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Not Without My Consent
A list of resources for Meta’s social media platforms for when intimate images are shared without
Global users
Website, Reporting and responding
Not Without My Consent is a resource for Meta’s social media platforms that provides users with
resources for when intimate images are shared without consent.
Topics include how to report nonconsensual image sharing, information for seeking help, and resources
for stopping sextortion.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Stop Non-Consensual Intimate Image Abuse (NCII)
A free tool designed to support survivors of non-consensual intimate image abuse to provide
information to companies to remove their photos.
Global Users
Website and tool, Documenting and Reporting
Stop NCII is a free tool operated by the Revenge Porn Helpline to help survivors remove their images
from websites that were shared non-consensually.
Includes information about how NCII protects privacy, options for creating a case to remove images,
links to participating companies and information about the tool, and links to the Revenge Porn Helpline.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to
Financial Support Funds
IWMF Emergency Fund
A fund for women journalists for financial costs of online violence.
Global Users; designed for women journalists
Website, Emergency Fund
The IWMF Emergency Fund provides women journalists with small grants for psychological and medical care
and assistance with temporary relocation and legal aid.
The fund also provides information and additional resources.
The fund has eligibility criteria and a link to an initial questionnaire to start the application
Reading and scrolling on site required, Free
Go to Website
Black Journalist Therapy Relief Fund
A fund for Black journalists to manage the costs of mental health support.
Designed for Black journalists globally, Website and Application Form, Financial
The Black Journalist Therapy Relief Fund provides Black journalists financial support to access mental
health services.
The fund was established during the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased focus on racial injustice and
violence in the U.S. Application criteria, and a link to register and apply are provided on the site.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free
Go to Website
Financial Assistance
Two trusts that address working in crises or access to therapy.
Designed for freelance journalists, Website, Application, Financial Support
Financial Assistance is offered through either the Crisis Fund or Therapy Fund.
Journalists can apply based on the criteria provided on the website for financial assistance that will
help journalists get the support they need to continue with their work.
The Fund intends to provide financial support to freelance journalists who have been injured,
threatened, imprisoned, detailed, or forced into exile due to their work.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Registration Required Free
Go to Website
Vita Activa
Referrals and information for mental and emotional support.
Global Users; designed for women, LGBTQI+, journalists, and activists
Website, Support Solutions.
Vita Activa provides resources related to digital safety, psychological first aid, and for journalists
experiencing trauma, crisis, and gender-based violence.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free.
Go to
A Mental Health Guide for Journalists Facing Online Violence
A guide for mental health conditions from online violence.
Global Users; designed for journalists, newsrooms, and networks
PDF, Resources and Information.
The Mental Health Guide for Journalists Facing Online Violence provides journalists with information and
resources, such as a mental health self-evaluation chart, downloadable exercises to manage mental health
strain, and
suggested resources and organization to provide further support.
Download may be required. Free.
Go to Website
Online Violence Support Hub: Psychosocial Support
A website with links to additional resources to improve mental health.
Global Users; designed for women media workers.
Website, Resources and Information.
The Online Violence Support Hub: Psychosocial Support webpage provides media workers with resources for
addressing their mental health needs in response to online violence. Information on site includes links
to an
interactive self-care guide, information on seeking help, and additional resources.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free.
Go to Website
Interactive Flow Chart
An interactive flowchart to assess mental health status and to support self-care.
Global Users.
Interactive website, Self Assessment.
The Interactive Flowchart is an interactive resource that over the course of an hour helps users
identify internal signals of stress and mental health strain. The self assessment takes approximately 60
minutes and guides the
user through a series of self-assessment questions.
Go to Website
How do I Get Help for What I’m Feeling?
Resources for addressing the emotional impact of privacy violations online.
Global Users; U.S. focused.
Website, Resources and Information.
The How Do I Get Help for What I’m Feeling webpage offers information and resources for addressing the
emotional impact of online privacy violations. Resources cover topics such as common emotional reactions
resulting from
privacy violations, how to address emotional responses, protecting physical safety, and finding help and
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free.
Go to Website
Psychological safety
Recommendations for recognizing psychological trauma.
Global Users; designed for journalists.
Website, Resources and Information.
The Psychological Safety resource provides journalists with introductory information on the
psychological trauma that can result from digital threats, and provides resources and strategies for
addressing self-care.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free.
Go to Website
Find a Helpline
A website with information to help find a helpline.
Global Users.
Website, Resources and Information.
Find a Helpline is a website where users can enter their country and find helplines in their area on
different topics such mental health, GBV, and other issues.
Reading and scrolling on site required. Free.
Go to
Doing What Matters in Times of Stress: An Illustrated Guide
A stress management guide for coping with adversity.
Global Users.
PDF, Resources and Information
The Doing What Matters in Times of Stress Guide offers users practical skills to cope with stress.
Clicking on site and downloading may be required.
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Mental Health Handbook for Parliamentarians and Staff
A guide to managing stress and accessing resources for politicians in Canada.
Canadian politicians.
PDF, Resources and Information
The Mental Health Handbook offers Canadian politicians information and coping strategies for identifying
and managing stress.
Download may be required.
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What Therapists Need to Know About Treating Journalists Who Experienced Online Harassment
Resources for mental health professionals to provide better service to journalists who have
experienced online violence.
Mental Health Professionals.
Resources and Information
The What Therapists Need to Know About Treating Journalists Who Experienced Online Harassment resource
provides information about providing journalists with informed mental health support.
Reading and scrolling on site required.
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Spark would like to thank the Transform program for generously creating this collection of resources for Spark users.
The Transform Digital Spaces (Transform) Activity, a three-year USAID-funded global pilot initiative, supports practical approaches to preventing, mitigating, and responding to technology-facilitated gender-based violence (TFGBV), with a focus on addressing violence experienced by women in politics and public life.
Learn more at Transform Digital Spaces (Transform) Activity | IREX
For questions about this resource collection, please contact: info.transform@irex.org