The Scriptwriting for Instructional Videos course is designed for subject matter experts, instructional designers, educators, writers, and anyone else who might be interested in developing a video-based or blended learning course. The course walks learners through the...
Are you a policymaker or decision-maker in your community or country? Does your work in health and nutrition, education, child protection, agriculture and food security, WASH, emergency preparedness, or some other field have connections to early...
Have you ever wondered what you can apply from the business world to your civil society organisation to improve performance? Are you searching for solutions that will help your organisation to more effectively communicate with its stakeholders, make informed...
Some people think press releases are a thing of the past, especially in this digital age. But 60% of the stories we read, hear or watch – including on our smart phones – come from a press release. This is why the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is proposing to its...
Сложно ли вашей организации собирать четкие данные о ходе тех или иных проектов? Имеются ли у вас проекты, которые вы завершили, но их полноценное воздействие вы не смогли оценить? Этот курс познакомит вас с разработкой и внедрением надежной системы мониторинга и...